All teams that are registered in the competition automatically qualify for the DESIGN CHALLENGE stage of the competition, which is between the 2nd of October 2017 – 29th of March 2018. No separation criteria are applied for this stage of the competition. Teams can start the development of the project as soon as they register for the competition.
The first 20 teams, ordered by the score obtained in the assessment stages of the DESIGN CHALLENGE stage will qualify to participate in the final stage of the competition, namely in the RACE CHALLENGE. Only the first 15 teams will fit into the budget of the Electro-mobility competition and will be able to get reimbursed for purchased components, in accordance with the description available in the chapter "Support offered by CONTINENTAL AUTOMOTIVE ROMANIA" below. Teams below the 20th position cannot participate in the final stage of the Electro-mobility competition.
Registering for the competition is done by opening an account by each participant (team member as well as the team) on the Web portal and fully completing the available forms.
Students that are eligible for the competition include students from 1st year of studies (example: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th year of studies, master's degree students, doctorate students), of technical or computer profile faculties, that are motivated and willing to put their theoretical knowledge in practice. Teams will be formed from 3-4 members, from different faculties or from the same faculty, with a technical coordinator from the university environment.
A team or a member of a team does not lose eligibility if throughout the competition he/she becomes an employee of any economic agent, including SC Continental Automotive România SRL.
Team members that as of the date of registration are employees of SC Continental Automotive România SRL are not eligible.
Only applications registered through the Web portal are considered eligible.
On the 3rd of November 2017, at the Iași office of Continental Automotive România or at a location announced in advance by the organisers, a discussion and clarification session will be organised in relation to the rules, technical and organisational requirements, as well as in relation to the intermediary stages of the competition. All teams accepted to the competition are invited to participate in this session. The organisation related details of the session will be communicated to all registered teams.
The project's performance involves:
The materials that will be considered eligible for the scoring in the 3rd stage are only those posted on the Facebook page of the team, with the exception of the design/architecture document and of the documents required for the reimbursement of expenses, which will be submitted by means of the portal.
Stage 3 has the following mandatory deadlines:
30.11.2017 - „Milestone 1” - To finalize the architecture and the project plans
- status reports (project team's budget situation, planning, unforeseen situations) - in text or image format
- posting photos that indicate the project's current status
- posting a video (1 minute max.) that shows the project's current status
- reporting of made purchases (scanned tax documents: invoice/tax receipt/receipt, photos of purchased components) (upload on
All materials will be published on the Facebook page of the participating team other than documents for the reimbursement of expenses.
22.12.2017 - „Milestone 2” - Procurement of all reimbursable components (modules/parts) by the teams
- status reports (project team's budget situation, planning, unforeseen situations) - in text or image format
- posting photos (other than the previous ones) that indicate the project's current status
- posting a video (1 minute max.) (other than the previous one) that shows the project's current status
- reporting of made purchases (scanned tax documents: invoice/tax receipt/receipt, photos of purchased components) (upload on
All materials will be published on the Facebook page of the participating team other than documents for the reimbursement of expenses.
16.02.2018 - „Milestone 3” - Electronic completion of drive/control for electric motors + mechanical assembly of the vehicle
- status reports (project team's budget situation, planning, unforeseen situations) - in text or image format
- posting photos (other than the previous ones) that indicate the project's current status
- posting a video (1 minute max.) (other than the previous one) that shows the project's current status
- reporting of made purchases (scanned tax documents: invoice/tax receipt/receipt, photos of purchased components) (upload on
All materials will be published on the Facebook page of the participating team.
23.03.2018 – „Milestone 4” - Functional application, with most functions implemented + GUI
- status reports (project team's budget situation, planning, unforeseen situations) - in text or image format
- posting photos (other than the previous ones) that indicate the project's current status
- posting a video (1 minute max.) (other than the previous one) that shows the project's current status
- submittal of design/architecture document (upload on
All materials, with the exception of the design/architecture document, will be published on the Facebook page of the participating team.
The 4 Milestones are introduced in order to offer a guideline for teams in relation to the progress that they should make in order to finish the project in a timely manner. The non-observance of the above deadlines does not involve disqualification or exclusion of teams from the competition. In case of non-observance of these deadlines, teams can recover progress at a later time, but will lose points awarded within these Milestones (see chapter 4, table 4, of the technical requirements of the Electromobility competition).
Within this stage, the assessment of the project status will be performed by the organisers.
Once this stage is completed, the DESIGN CHALLENGE stage of the Electro-mobility is also completed and the delimitation and selection of the first 20 teams that will move on to the RACE CHALLENGE stage will be performed. This stage will be performed at the Iași office of Continental Automotive Romania, or at a location announced in advance by the organisers.
During the team assessment and selection process, on the 30th of March 2018, organisers will make available to all teams the competition infrastructure (original track format, partially or totally assembled) that will also be used in the RACE CHALLENGE stage. Thus, each team will be able to test its vehicle in order to adjust and prepare it for the RACE CHALLENGE stage.
During the selection process for teams that will participate in the final stage of the competition, which will be between 11-12th of May 2018 criteria specified in the technical regulations, at chapter 4 (Evaluation), table 1a and its references will be taken into consideration.
In order to be deemed qualified for the next stage, a project must obtain at this stage a score that will situate it among the top 15 projects with financing from the Continental budget. Results will be communicated to the registered teams. Points accumulated in the DESIGN CHALLENGE stage are not forwarded to the next stage - RACE CHALLENGE. All teams that qualify for the RACE CHALLENGE will start with the score of zero.
All of the 20 teams qualified for the RACE CHALLENGE have available the time period related to this stage in order to finalize all functionalities, make adjustments and fine-tunings and preparations for the finals.
After testing and trials done on the track, tests carried out within stage 4, teams will be able to adapt their detection and control algorithms, as well as improve the dynamic performances of their vehicles.
Likewise, within this stage, the reimbursements from the budget will be performed, in accordance with the provisions in chapter "Support provided by CONTINENTAL AUTOMOTIVE ROMÂNIA".
Works will be assessed, within the presentations from the Student Competition, by a jury consisting of representatives of CONTINENTAL. The jury will witness theoretical and practical presentations, after which they will ask questions where needed. Works will be assessed in accordance with criteria from the project's detailed description.
CONTINENTAL will offer prizes with a total value of 2700 euro:
Ist place – 1500 euro for the team
IInd place – 700 euro for the team
IIIrd place – 300 euro for the team
* Special prizes – 200 Euro.
Note: The method for granting special prizes will be made known to participating teams during the conducting of the competition.
CONTINENTAL offers financial support for the purchasing of electric motors in accordance with attachment 1 of the technical rules. Each team is responsible for choosing and purchasing motors suitable for the application that they will develop.
Likewise, CONTINENTAL offers support for expenses incurred in order to complete the practical work (electronics, servo mechanism, sensors, mechanical components, multisegment display, promotional materials, component transport, etc.).
The maximum budget provided by CONTINENTAL for each team is 300 EURO (VAT included), for the reimbursement of various types of expenses, in accordance with the above. There are no restrictions regarding the allocation of certain parts of the budget for certain types of components. Teams can supplement their budget from their own resources or other types of sponsorships.
Transport and accommodations for the teams that come from other universities than those from Iaşi will be provided by CONTINENTAL throughout the competition (Stage 4 – the finals of the DESIGN CHALLENGE stage and Stage 6 – the finals of the competition and of the RACE CHALLENGE stage).
For trips made for the completion of phase 2 (Requirements and rules clarification session), Continental will reimburse the transport costs for one of the representatives of each team that is not from Iași.
Details regarding the event location, program and logistical support will be communicated in a timely manner to participating teams. For further information please contact us at
Participating teams that implement the requests specified in the rules of this competition and participate at the final phase of the competition, between 11th and 12th of May 2018, will remain in the possession of all materials and components offered by Continental Automotive Romania.
Teams that are registered for the competition and do not participate in the final phase of the competition, between the 11th and 12th of May 2018, will return materials, components and the value of amounts that were reimbursed or offered up until that date by Continental Automotive Romania.
Each team is obliged to include in the technical documentation made available to the competition's organiser an affidavit attesting to the fact that all equipment (e.g. electric motors, electronics, etc.) for which they have received financial support from CONTINENTAL are an integrating part of the product (autonomous electric vehicle) that participates in the competition.
Equipment (e.g. electric motors, electronics, etc.) for which financial aid was received from CONTINENTAL and which are damaged or unused throughout the product development process, must be handed over to CONTINENTAL, and the situation must be noted in the aforementioned affidavit.
All the provisions of this regulation, as well as its attached documents must be interpreted and applied in good faith. Throughout the duration of the competition, participants have the obligation of having a fair-play attitude towards other contestants. The use of vulgar language, tendentious jokes, pejorative affirmations or of allusions to race, skin colour, denomination, sex, age, origins or disabilities is not tolerated.
The non-observance of the provisions of this regulation and of attached documents can lead to the team's disqualification, regardless of the stage of the competition in which the violation was identified.
Throughout the timeline of the Electro-mobility competition, teams can communicate with the organisers using the Web portal or using the competition's e-mail address:
Also, teams can communicate with each other using the competition's forum, accessible from each team's account on the Web portal
Phone: 004-0232-30-72-47 / 004-0232-30-70-70
Address: Bd. Poitiers nr. 6, 700671 Iași, Iași
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